Painless end-to-end testing and monitoring for web3 apps
Build robust and secure web3 apps with our suite of products
Introducing GuardianTest
Our end-to-end testing framework, an extended version of Playwright, enables you to develop and test your web3 app with confidence. It's open source and completely free to use.
Supercharged e2e testing for the web3 stack
test.describe("OlympusDAO", () => {
test("Test against a forked block", async ({ page, gui }) => {
const forkBlock = 17039476;
await gui.initializeChain(1, forkBlock);
await page.goto("");
await gui.setEthBalance("100000000000000000000000");
// More mocking and site interactions
await page.locator("text=Connect Wallet").first().click();
await page.locator("text=Metamask").first().click();
// Finish site interactions
const stakingAddress = "0xb63cac384247597756545b500253ff8e607a8020";
await gui.validateContractInteraction("text=Stake", stakingAddress);
Get Started In Minutes
The power of Playwright, extended to web3
test.describe("Bond Protocol", () => {
test("Test with token balance", async ({ page, gui }) => {
const wethAddress = "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2";
const fixedTermTeller = "0x007f7735baf391e207e3aa380bb53c4bd9a5fed6";
await gui.setBalance(wethAddress, "1000000000000000000000000");
await gui.setAllowance(wethAddress, fixedTermTeller, "1000000000000000000000000");
await page.goto("");
Write Tests
Monitor IRL
Immediate Notifications
Analyze Performance
Convert Natural Language Into Tests Using Storycheck
Enable anyone to create end-to-end tests using simple text descriptions. Increase test coverage at a fraction of the cost and effort.
Usable by Anyone
Less Brittle Tests
What Developers Are Saying
Eddie Ye ― Integrations Engineer at Connext
SpaceTurtleShip ― Lead Frontend Developer at Bond Protocol
Appleseed ― Lead Frontend Developer at OlympusDAO
E2E testing framework for web3 apps
Real-time vulnerability detection
For organizations with custom needs
Commonly asked questions about the ecosystem of GuardianUI products